
Got Down Time?

Woman wearing glasses looking off into the distance while reading a book

If new found down time has been imposed upon you, you are not alone in the thought that it may be time to do something for yourself. My patients carefully discuss their decision about surgery or office treatments prior to having them performed. Most recently, those who have noted that their work schedules lightening up are deciding to have the surgery, laser treatments, body contouring, or other fillers or injections they want. The social distancing that is being imposed is an opportunity for you to have a short recovery procedure or no down time treatment and return to work a better you.

Recent precautions have been implemented out of an abiding concern for safety, but it must be noted that you will have continued care and services in my practice at Mentor Plastic Surgery. As long as you are healthy, COVID-19 should not affect your personal ability to have surgery or in office treatments or services performed. Even if we were not being impacted by the civil, media, and emotional responses to this virus, the health of our patient at the time of surgery or office treatment is always of critical importance, which is why we schedule pre-testing before surgery can be performed. My OR, anesthesia team, and nurses are very enthusiastic about taking care of you in my surgical practice! My aesthetician and massage therapy look forward to providing you expert office services!

Our goal is not only to keep you looking beautiful, but also to keep you healthy and safe.

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Dr. Paul Vanek

Trusted plastic surgeon, sculptor, biochemist and researcher

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