

The Comprehensive Guide to Brachioplasty

Arm lift surgery, called brachioplasty, reshapes the upper arms for a better appearance. Sagging upper arms can make people feel self-conscious due to weight changes, getting older, or genetics. This comprehensive guide delves into brachioplasty, providing essential information for those considering this life-changing procedure. With a focus on the expertise of Dr. Paul Vanek at Mentor Plastic Surgery & MedSpa, we aim to illuminate the path to enhanced confidence and improved arm appearance.


Brachioplasty stands out as a beacon of hope for individuals aspiring to rejuvenate the appearance of their upper arms. This section introduces the foundational concepts of brachioplasty, including its definition, benefits, and the transformative journey patients embark upon.

What is Brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a tighter, more toned appearance. This procedure is especially beneficial for those who have experienced significant weight loss or have noticed a decrease in skin elasticity due to aging. 

The Evolution of Arm Lift Surgeries

The techniques and outcomes of arm lift surgeries have evolved significantly, thanks to advancements in surgical methods and a deeper understanding of aesthetic harmony. Dr. Paul Vanek, a seasoned expert in the field, utilizes cutting-edge techniques to ensure minimal scarring and optimal results.

To learn more about Dr. Vanek, please click here

Brachioplasty Surgery Explained

Pre-Surgery Preparations

Choosing to undergo brachioplasty is a significant decision that begins with a thorough consultation with Dr. Paul Vanek. This consultation discusses individual goals, potential outcomes, and the tailored surgical plan in detail. To schedule a consultation, please click here

During the Surgery

Dr. Vanek’s brachioplasty expertise ensures that each procedure step is performed with precision and care. The surgery typically involves incisions along the inner or back of the arm, through which excess skin and fat are removed. If you would like to learn more about this procedure, check out this great article from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Post-Surgery Recovery

Recovery is a crucial phase during which patients see the fruits of their decisions. Detailed post-operative care instructions are provided to ensure a smooth healing process, and Dr. Vanek and his team offer unwavering support every step of the way. 

Click here to view the before and after gallery of Brachioplasty. 

Cost and Factors

The cost of brachioplasty can vary based on several factors, including the extent of the procedure and geographical location. At Mentor Plastic Surgery & MedSpa, transparency in cost estimation is provided, ensuring patients can make informed decisions without any hidden surprises.

Understanding the Costs

This is an in-depth discussion of the financial considerations of brachioplasty, including what factors influence the overall cost and the investment in one’s self-confidence and comfort.

Factors Affecting the Price

We are exploring the variables that impact the cost of brachioplasty, such as surgical technique, anesthesia fees, and facility costs, focusing on the value of choosing a skilled surgeon like Dr. Vanek. 

Please give us a call to schedule your consultation with Dr. Vanek.

Before and After Photos

Real patient outcomes illuminate the transformative potential of brachioplasty. This section showcases before-and-after images of Dr. Vanek’s patients, illustrating the dramatic improvements in arm appearance and self-esteem.

Conclusion: Is Brachioplasty Right for You?

Deciding to undergo brachioplasty is a personal choice that can significantly impact one’s quality of life and self-image. Arm lift surgeries have improved due to better surgical methods and understanding of aesthetics, leading to better results and techniques.Dr. Paul Vanek and his team at Mentor Plastic Surgery & MedSpa assist patients in achieving their desired results. They provide care and support throughout the entire process.



Brachioplasty, VASER Arms

Age: 68 

Sex: Female

2 months post-op

Brachioplasty, VASER Arms

Age: 55 

Sex: Female

3 months post-op


Age: 68 

Sex: Female

2 months post-op

Brachioplasty, VASER Upper Arms

Age: 76 

Sex: Female

2 months post-op


Age: 51 

Sex: Female

4 months post-op