Diolite 532™ is an effective tool in the treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions. A vascular lesion is formed by abnormally large or numerous blood vessels located directly under the surface of the skin. Diolite 532™ generates an intense beam of light that is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin (bright red blood cells carrying oxygen) and melanin/pigment (black or brown pigment found in the skin) causing decomposition or destruction by selective photothermolysis (heating) of unwanted cells, while leaving healthy cells intact.
Facial spider veins
Port-wine stains
Cherry angioma
Sun spots, age spots, brown spots
Dr. Vanek will listen to you and “hold your hand” through your entire process, and he has taught his entire staff to do the same. He understands and respects your privacy and sensitivity. His professional but familial approach will quickly help you become very comfortable with him and with how he will help change your life.
Please complete this form, including any procedures you may be interested in. We will contact you as soon as possible by email, phone, or text (as you specify)!