
The first Independence Day

Today we are witnessing the destruction of property and removal of statues and monuments erected decades ago to honor many national heroes. I won’t question here whether the motives for these actions are justified. But as we celebrate Independence Day at a time when so much of American history is being disregarded, I want to dedicate today’s article to remind us of the incredible courage of our Founding Fathers, and the tremendous risk they took.

When the 56 men signed their names to the Declaration of Independence, they were well aware that signing their names was extremely dangerous. But they believed that freedom meant sacrifice, even the sacrifice of their own lives. In fact, King George quickly proclaimed that their actions were “high treason” and ordered his soldiers to find and execute all 56 of them. More specifically, “the penalty for high treason was to be hanged by the head until unconscious, then cut down and revived, then disembowled and beheaded, then cut into quarters. Each quarter was to be boiled in oil. The remnants would be scattered abroad so that the last resting place of the offender would remain forever unnamed, unhonored and unknown.” (from “The Making of America”).

The writers of the Declaration of Independence also had the courage to blend politics and religion, pointing out that their individual rights were given to them by God. They appealed to the “supreme judge of the world” for the rectitude or rightness of principle or conduct, be allowed to have the rights that he had given them. They firmly trusted in “the protection of the divine Providence.”
On this Independence Day, I thank these heroes and God for our freedom, and I pray that God continues to bless our great country.

Why are OxyGeneo Facials Better?

Scientific studies have shown that oxygen is vital to the life of your skin. That’s why oxygen facials became popular, where pressurized oxygen is administered to your skin to plump and hydrate. OxyGeneo Facials take it to the next level, well, actually three levels: a gentle exfoliation, an infusion of antioxidants and nutrients, and the oxygenation. The treatment allows you to get the exfoliation benefits of microdermabrasion plus deep facial rejuvenation with the infusion of essential revitalizing nutrients and healing skin oxygenation from within. This process hydrates and brightens skin, shrinks the appearance of pores, improves skin texture and reduces hyperpigmentation

Unlike standard oxygen facials, OxyGeneo treatments don’t push oxygen into your skin (which can sometimes lead to redness and sensitivity). OxyGeneo Facials actually work from the inside out, allowing the CO2 to penetrate into the skin at the deepest layer, which makes for more noticeable, longer-lasting results. The drawing of oxygen to the surface from the inside instead of pushing it into your face makes for a world of difference. My patients are amazed how good their skin looks after an OxyGeneo Facial. The word we hear most often is “glowing.” And they love how their pores seemingly disappear, so your skin looks clean, clear, and bright. Not only will you see the difference, but you will notice how your skin feels softer.

While OxyGeneo facials treatments are beneficial for all skin types, they can be customized to specific skin concerns and sensitivities. There is no downtime after a treatment because there is little to no redness, and no peeling of the skin afterwards. Please call my office and find out for yourself. You’ll love it.

My Cellulite Is Getting Worse, Surgery?

Cellulite and loose skin can occur on the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, bra and back fat, and even around the eyes, mouth, cheeks and neck. This can happen due to aging, sun damage or weight fluctuation, and there is now a non-invasive treatment, Lumenis NuEra tight, which harnesses the power of science for a natural way to uplift your body and attain tighter and smoother-looking skin.

NuEra technology emits 250W Radiofrequency waves at 470kHz to gently and uniformly heat skin so that collagen contracts and new collagen is produced to temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite and skin laxity. This is next generation technology with Automatic Power Impedance Control (APIC) so the RF waves can heat the skin’s surface superficially or reach deeper tissue levels for the most effective results. This powerful frequency is widely used by practitioners and physiotherapists for medical conditions such as muscle spasms and poor circulation.

I am proud to be one of the few local practices offering this new technology, only available for less than two years. But Lumenis has been a global leader in the field of minimally-invasive clinical solutions for 50 years. NuEra tight treatments are comfortable, even relaxing, with a warm, pleasant and soothing sensation. They are also totally safe, quick and accurate. Please call my office to see how we can help you. We personalize treatments for all body types, areas, conditions and severity. There is no downtime so you can resume normal activities right away. Some patients notice improvements, with smoother and tighter skin after just one treatment.

What about sun-damaged skin?

The first thing to tell you is that you need to avoid getting sun damage, which doesn’t only happen at the beach, or on sunny days. In fact, even prolonged periods in your car on overcast Summer days can cause significant sun damage.

I recommend applying sunscreen protection of SPF 25 or higher to your face, arms, neck and hands approximately a half hour before you go in a car or outdoors, to effectively reduce exposure to the sun’s damaging rays. If you go swimming or need to towel off due to perspiration, you should reapply SPF 30 every 2 hours, especially between 10am-3pm. Make sure your sunscreen protects against both UVA and UVB rays. You should also protect your skin with clothing, including a wide brim hat or cap to protect your face, head, ears and neck. An umbrella also can provide shade for prolonged periods, such as at amusement parks.

There simply is no safe way to tan outdoors or in tanning beds. Every time you tan, you damage your skin, speed up the aging of your skin, and increase risk for all types of skin cancer. The only safe way to tan is by applying self-tanning lotions and cosmetics, such as various professional products that we can demonstrate in my office.
If you already have sun-damaged skin, we offer a free Visia skin analysis, and can customize our recommendations for Renuvion, HydraFacials, laser treatments, chemical peels (including my revolutionary new Concord Peel) and other products. Please contact my office so we can discuss your options.

News-Herald “Best of the Best” 2020


We are asking our readers to help us select the Best of the Best in Northeast Ohio. Whether it’s a great place to get a pizza or to find that special something, no one knows where to find the Best of the Best like you do. Vote for your choice in any of the fields below and click “submit” when you’re finished. Enter your name and email address. Ballots must be filled out and submitted online. We do not accept printed or copied ballots. You must vote for at least 10 categories. One entry per person per day.

DEADLINE for receipt of this ballot is Friday, July 10, 2020 at 5pm.

Results will be posted on Thursday July 23, 2020 online and in The News-Herald Best of the Best Winners Tab.




Ectropion Repair: 5 Years Later!


Sometimes patients see me with more than one problem. This 86 year old had a chronic ectropion with a symptomatic dry eye on his left lid. At the same time, he had a basal cell of his left cheek at the corner of his eye and on the tip of his nose.

With a single operation with a single downtime, he had an ectropion repair as seen here. He had a Moh’s type excision of his face and nose using the cheek and nose adjacent tissue. Using plastic technique the skin flap of his nose could be rotated from his cheek and he is seen here 3 months, in the operating room and then 5 years later with normal eye function and nearly imperceptible scarring of his cheek excision and nose basal cell excision.

Of course 5 years later he is now 91 and going strong![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”58386″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”58387″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Will COVID-19 change plastic surgery?

This industry has consistently and dramatically grown by 160% over the last 20 years, and I don’t believe that people will suddenly stop wanting to improve how they look and how they feel about themselves. Government-mandated limitations on elective surgery caused some people to delay receiving procedures but many are now being scheduled and performed.
Many patients communicating with us through and post-quarantine are very anxious to receive treatments. Their regular filler and injectable schedules were unexpectedly interrupted, and they want to get back on track. For others, this experience just validated that they want what they were already seriously considering, and they are excited to now be scheduled.

We respect that some people are concerned about what they may consider possible health risks, or their financial stability has now changed. While they may not have surgical procedures, the original concerns about their appearance remain and I expect that they will turn to non-invasive procedures such as fillers and injectables, or non-invasive body contouring treatments like truSculpt-iD or Tru-Flex. Ironically, I think the reality of life’s uncertainty will overall actuality lead to more people choosing to improve their appearance. No one is assured of tomorrow, so they want to enjoy life to the fullest.

As for health and safety, we have always been extremely careful to protect our patients, and medical facilities we utilize do the same. Standards have all increased even further, adding elements like temperature screening for all (including staff members) who enter our facility. The highest attention is being given to assure the health of all patients.

Tummy Tuck Timeline

Now is the time to schedule an appointment and discuss this. Tummy tucks are popular surgical procedures designed to correct the contour of the abdomen. While it is common for women to consider these after birthing their children, they can benefit both men and women when they have loose, sagging abdominal skin after significant weight change.

A tummy tuck is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, so we could likely schedule this quickly. The surgery involves an incision in the lower part of the abdomen, often below or in line with the waistline. Skin is released from the lower part of the abdomen up to the belly button. Then an incision is made around the belly button and the skin is released to the top of the abdomen. This access allows tightening of the muscles in the middle and restoration of the flat contour of the abdomen. The skin is gently redraped and trimmed and the belly button is delivered through the skin before the incision is closed. This generally takes about two hours.

Typically, two drains are placed before the skin is closed, which remain until the fluid they drain is gone. Drain removal is quick and painless in the office. During recovery, patients are placed in a series of surgical girdles over an 8-week period. After about ten days, most people can drive and return to work if their job is not too physical. They should be back to more strenuous routines in 6 weeks.

Please call my office because there are other options, more or less intensive, that could also be effective when we know more about you!

Best Size For Augmentation

Do not feel that you are unique with this concern; most breast augmentation patients ask this same question when they begin. However, after the consultation and custom sizing, they feel very comfortable with their choice.

This is your personal decision, and most patients start with a general opinion of how they want to look. Our before-and-after gallery on our website can provide assistance. You can also consider how you think that people you know, or even celebrities you see, look when they wear the same type of clothing that you would like to wear after your procedure.
When you come in for your private consultation, we will discuss your body type and your amount of breast tissue. In addition to me, my cosmetic coordinator is very experienced in making recommendations that will make you look your very best, including high-profile implants. We also will have you “try out” various sizes under any clothing you wish to bring with you, so you can get an excellent idea how you will appear with different sized implants after augmentation.

I have found that some patients give a lot of consideration to what they think their friends or family will say, or how they think you should look. While this may be a factor, I urge you to make your final decision based on how you feel you want to look. It’s your body, and you are the only person that will live with your decision every minute of the day.
Lastly, this is good timing. You will have great weather to enjoy the “new you” this year, and the slow re-opening of everything will give you more recovery time.

New Drug To Treat Covid-19

The pharmaceutical company Gilead is now sponsoring tests of their anti-viral drug Remdesivir in 2400 patients with severe Wuhan virus symptoms in 152 hospitals and clinics worldwide, and in 1600 patients with moderate symptoms at 169 sites worldwide. This drug intercalates itself into the DNA to try to disrupt the virus growth. It did not perform well in the inhibition of another RNA virus, Ebola, when it was trialed in multinational compassionate use during the Africa pandemic outbreak in 2014. A University of Chicago investigator reports data on the performance of this drug is preliminary. Those of us anxiously awaiting drug trial results must acknowledge that it typically takes multiple years and a billion dollars to bring a drug through rigorous testing. Streamlining the FDA approval process is a Herculean task. The legal hurdles and compliance requirements alone can take months. Rank and file patients awaiting magic drugs, off-label use medications, antibody tests, or vaccines to materialize have to recognize that sweeping away scientific rigor on safety, efficacy, specificity and sensitivity aren’t prudent. Government facilitation in recent weeks to allow companies to roll out new tests has facilitated many but we must keep in mind that cries for “more testing” must first acknowledge that the very tests we need were not even invented a few weeks ago. The swabs weren’t even produced, let alone established pathways to test. The reagents need to be scaled up and distributed, and machines need to be created, verified, calibrated and deployed. The native response is, “why does it have to be this way?” Why, indeed.