
New RHA Filler

What is new in the world of wrinkle filler?

A Swiss company has recently launched a new Hylaluronic acid (HA) wrinkle filler that has shown great promise for patients who don’t like their deep lines in their face. It is called RHA. Like other HA molecules, the drug is comfortably injected in the office. I do all the injections! The innovation is a newer method of chemical preparation that makes it act, feel and look like your own tissue. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found throughout your body, in your joints and ubiquitously in your tissue spaces. As we age, the content of both collagen and “ground substance” becomes less prevalent, giving us a depleted look.

There are techniques to stimulate cellular collagen that I spoke of last week. But a direct method of supplementing the face with a material that acts natural is through the use of an injectable formulation called RHA. You may have seen these advertised in past, as they are workhorse agents that have been successfully on the market for some years. Restylane, Juviderm and their newer iterations have been franchising the HA molecule effect with various cross-linking modifications that enable each formulation to work better in separate places in your face. They all derive their base molecular activity from the attributes of the original material found in high concentration from chicken cock’s comb!

Newer techniques of manufacture of HA have eliminated the animal sourcing, as well as refined the behavior and longevity of the HA agent. What this means for you is a supple, long lasting material that you won’t feel, but will love right after it is injected. It should last about a year, depending upon your physiology. My practice offers a host of injectable fillers and agents that restore your tired or sagging appearance. The day of the injection your face will be prepped and the injectable agents are placed in the area(s) we decide upon.

Multiple areas of the face can be addressed in a single injection appointment. The rationale is that doing more than one area is that you have only one potential bruising, swelling and social down time event. There is some risk of bruising which I address with having you off anti-platelet and anticoagulation drugs for a few days prior to injection. I also recommend you take some Arnica montana, which I have available in the office for your use. With coronavirus mask use, that social pressure of bruising is lessened, however.

Aftercare involves some icing and light massage after the injection to reduces the post injection swelling. Should you get bruised, you may return for some complimentary laser, which dramatically reduces the bruising duration. All the tools of analysis, decision making and photo-documentation are available in my practice at Mentor Plastic Surgery and MedSpa, for your facial rejuvenation using fillers.

I look forward to meeting you and assisting you in decision making to make you look natural, younger, and more rested appearing!

“Bohr-ing” Skin

Can I buy a treatment for my friend from Mentor Plastic Surgery and MedSpa without knowing what she needs?

Who wants “Bohr-ing” skin?

An innovation in the rejuvenation of the skin in a spa-like treatment uses the energy of ultrasound applied topically to activate a pathway in your skin to make it recover a healthy glow and luster. The treatment technique is called Oxygeneo. It uses a chemical phenomenon called the Bohr effect, where the change of pH the treatment activates local oxygen, supercharging your skin appearance. The effects of your own carbon dioxide in your serum activated by the ultrasound interaction with the applied gel creates the Bohr effect. What you feel is a cool and gentle exfoliation of your skin, removing dead cells and debris from your skin and deeper dermis. The results of the chemical reaction create an immediate healthy glow and radiant skin improvements in luster and texture. ]

The serial application of this technology improves blood flow to distressed skin and creates your own immune response and cellular action to improve your brightness and appearance. It can be done on the face, neck, and decolletage. You will notice an improvement after the first treatment. It can be done even the day of an important event to bring a glowing you to the spotlight. Some of our patients use this technique weekly on their countdown to an important time in their life, like a presentation, a wedding or any other social event. You need a little moisturizer after the treatment, but make-up can be applied immediately after the treatment if you like.

Your face is first cleaned by the aesthetician, and you are in a beautiful spa room. The thick cool gel is applied and the Oxygeneo Capsugen treatment head is activated. The treatment head creates the ultrasound and gel interaction, and feels coarse, even though there is no mechanical effect. This is the blood flow stimulating effect on your skin after the exfoliation. The gel is cleansed, followed by an antioxidant infusion step. Depending upon your skin quality, either Illuminate or NeoBright gel is activated and the ingredients that include hyaluronic acid, retinol, and kojic acid get to work immediately to make you look and feel dewy and hydrated.

We also have a Carbon Acne infusion mode to help treat and calm any active acne breakouts. You have warm towels to remove the excess and you are good to go. If you would like a beautiful gift to yourself or someone you regard, who appreciates a beautiful complexion then Oxygeneo is a great start.

You can get your friend a gift certificate for this treatment, as it treats even the most sensitive skin types with great results!

What is the truth about collagen oral supplements and topical collagen and my skin, hair and nail health?

What is the truth about collagen oral supplements and topical collagen and my skin, hair and nail health?

Protein makes us healthy, but it doesn’t have to be “collagen protein supplements.” Short answer- collagen supplements are not worth the money. Here’s why. All proteins are made of 20 amino acid building blocks. Each protein contains a varying amount of the 20 amino acid types. Our cells are like a 3D printer, and the amino acids are the ink letters. An analogy that works is that we ingest bibles (protein), they are broken down by our digestion and liver metabolism into the individual letters in the book, and are not delivered to our cells as chapters or words. We make proteins from the individual amino acids that we derive from food. All protein sources have amino acids within them, arranged the way they are based upon being from animal, dairy, or plant sources. When we eat them as food, each of the proteins in the food are broken down into their component amino acids and then absorbed into our cells. The amino acids are then re-formed into our own three dimensional protein that we need to function and be healthy.

Collagen that is rubbed onto our skin never makes it into the cell of the skin where it actually makes a difference! Collagen cremes have very moisturizing attributes, but they do not get the collagen from the crème into your skin architecture. The actual collagen that makes you look great is found around the skin cell, in the architecture of your skin. The collagen content of your skin is what makes you look youthful, bright, wrinkle free, and young.  Similarly, collagen that is ingested from our diet, no matter how fancy the claim, never makes it into our cell in its original form. The collagen source is broken down nearly completely and the amino acids are re-tasked to make your own collagen all over again. The topical and oral supplements termed “hydrolized collagen” are broken down in the factory and sold to you. Your digestive system is already the perfect ‘breakdown factory.’ You need no intermediaries. Any dietary source of protein in the right proportion is going to do the job. The billion dollar supplement industry points only to “possible benefits”, not science, the FDA, or our understanding of human physiology.

There are well known methods of increasing collagen in your skin that makes you look and feel healthy. Topical cremes that have signal capability have been the mainstay of modern skin care and wound healing. These bio-active agents truly increase your own cell capablility of making collagen by their use. Many of them are available in my office. Laser technology, Radio frequency energies and some injectable agents are very well known to increase your body’s ability to produce collagen in the right place. That is the basis for why skin that is treated with Sciton lasers, Vivace radiofrequency micro-needling, or injections like Sculptra are so spectacular for facial aging. As long as you have healthy protein nutrition, your body will respond to these state of the art modalities and they will work for you.

I hear there is a new laser wavelength that will smooth my skin and help with my brown spots. What is it?

1927 isn’t just a year, it’s a laser wavelength measured in nanometers called MOXI. You will be very happy to know that it is now exclusively available in my practice. Scientific research has produced better wavelengths to safely and efficiently brighten the skin and treat brown spots and sun damage.  MOXI uses a random fractionated pattern at a specific strength to distribute microscopic depots of laser energy on the skin surface. This results in no actual open wound. But it creates a MEND that is a microscopic epidermal tissue response that really brightens the skin.

When you have your consultation we will talk about your skin and measure it with a computer scanning tool, called VISIA. This measurement is a state of the art method of analyzing your skin, and from there we can help you decide your best treatment options. We later use VISIA analysis to measure the performance of your treatments and compare it to where we started. With MOXI, a series of gentle, no-down-time laser treatments are planned about a month apart. The skin reacts with a bit of sun-burn like response that day.

The microscopic MEND sites are pink and slough off in about 5 days, depending upon the intensity of the treatment. During that time you can socialize and bathe normally and be back to ZOOM world without problems. During the 5 day skin response we have you apply crème to your face that is provided at the time of your skin treatment. During the 5 day remodeling phase after the laser, your skin will feel like light sandpaper, indicating response to the laser. Then the baby smooth phase begins!

For those of us who are exposed to blue light, sun light, or the baby oil and betadine sun goddesses- MOXI laser has a role in rejuvenating your skin to return it to a healthy glow. If you have melasma- the irregular pigmentation found often after pregnancy- this treatment series is shown to reliably improve it.

It substantially improves aging skin and allows you to return to a busy lifestyle. You will notice that your skin is smoother and has a luster you may not have seen in years. It is also an innovation that this laser can be used on all skin types, so it holds promise to improve the texture of dark complexions without the risk of hyperpigmentation.

We are announcing an introductory special for MOXI treatment on March 18th for 300$ on that day only! Call 440-205-5750 to schedule your laser appointment today.

Is it safe to have health screenings, including mammograms during COVID?

Since March of last year the impact upon health screening has been noted due to the fear of being exposed to coronavirus during the encounter. Women who should undergo annual mammography have put off the screening test, risking early cancer detection with an easy, available test. It has been recently noted that women who have been vaccinated have more call backs or rescreening requests, due to the mammogram detecting enlarged lymph nodes in the axilla (armpit) on the side of the vaccination. The nodes seen are found in 11% of women after the first vaccine shot, and 16% of those after the second shot. As a result, it is recommended that women obtain their mammograms prior to their inoculation if possible, or wait a month or so after the second to allow the lymph node reaction to quiet down and trigger fewer reassessments.   

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that nowhere you go is 100% safe. But all of society has to return to normal interaction with appropriate precautions. Delaying a mammogram for a month or two shouldn’t be a problem, but pushing it off for six months or waiting until next year allows a cancer that could have been caught early to progress. 

When it comes to choosing whether or not you want to postpone a mammogram, the answer is in weighing your risks, there are some things to consider: What is your personal risk for breast cancer, how common is COVID-19 in your area, and what is your risk for complications if you were infected with COVID-19? 

These questions should help you answer whether you should get screened ASAP or if it’s okay to delay a bit longer. If you’re at higher risk for breast cancer—say, if you know you have a mutation on a BRCA gene or you know you have a family history of breast cancer—or if you’ve felt a lump in one of your breasts, the chance of catching breast cancer at an early stage likely outweighs the risk of catching COVID-19 while you’re at the screening. If you’re at average risk for breast cancer, without anything in your or your family’s medical history to suggest greater risk, but at high risk for complications from COVID-19, it’s probably okay to delay a mammogram appointment until it feels safer to go out, as long as you clear that with your doctor. 

The abiding caution and sanitizing procedures adhered to by medical offices, hospital facilities, nursing and physician staff should certainly reassure all patients that the time to resume health screenings is now. The excess deaths seen from lockdowns triggering restricted health screening and psychiatric access is manifest in greater than 75,000 deaths from drug overdoses, increases in suicidal ideation from 7-11% per year to 25%, death rates for elderly with dementia increased by 123%, cardiovascular deaths increased by 94,000. It is past due time that patients return to their doctors for screening and assessments for medical treatment.

What are the differences between the Moderna and Pfizer Coronavirus vaccines?

Learn the differences between the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines as described by Dr. Paul Vanak. Both vaccines are given as intramuscular injections in your shoulder. They each work best if they are given two times, a few weeks apart. Their mechanism of action is quite different.

Technology has come a long way since the 1950s when Jonas Salk used the killed virus to make the polio vaccine. Modern-day Pfizer vaccine production is a technique using the monoclonal expansion of the COVID virus coat protein in a bacterial broth that is then extracted and purified. The section of the coronavirus gene that encodes the coat protein is spliced into the genome of lab-cultured bacteria. Grown in culture, the coat protein is then made in large quantities and is able to be harvested in its pure state- with no chance of infecting anyone. This purified coat protein is then reconstituted and injected into your arm. Actually quite exactly how Botox is harvested. No viral mRNA or bacterial DNA is involved when the protein coat product is injected into the patient. The recipient of the Pfizer vaccine gets just the coat protein injected. The coat protein that causes the couple to the human cell is then seen by your immune system.

The mRNA (messenger RNA) viral gene-splicing technology that Moderna utilizes has been around since 1991. The Moderna mRNA vaccine injection turns on your cell function to produce and export the coat protein of the coronavirus into your bloodstream. The vaccine contains a strand of mRNA which enters your cell. Once incorporated into your cell the mRNA molecule has a very short lifespan. It turns on the normal protein production of your cell to make the coat protein. The mRNA is rather quickly broken down in the cell and is never incorporated into your DNA. You do not experience any sort of gene changes in your own DNA. What is then produced by your cell is the coat protein which is exported into your bloodstream.  Your cellular immune system makes antibodies to the three-dimensional coat protein. At that point, things are just like the mechanism of action of the Pfizer vaccine!  This is where your immune system takes over and starts mounting a cellular immune and memory response. Doctors and scientists call it “making antibodies” to the virus.

The actual purified coat protein of the Coronavirus is the Pfizer vaccine. Your immune system then creates a memory and immune response for when you’re actually exposed to coronavirus. Both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work very well.

It is not known how long after immunization the immune protection lasts. Nor is it known how long after recovering from coronavirus will the person lose their native immunity and are subject to re-infection. 

I personally encourage my patients to get two doses of either the (Moderna) mRNA or (Pfizer) protein coat vaccine once it is available. It is life-saving and will more quickly allow our whole society to open up through herd immunity. 

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7 Minute Abs With Renuvion

An exciting way to improve the contours of the abdomen using helium plasma technology, called Renuvion is now available. This in-office, minimally invasive technique is performed in the office through a 4mm incision in the belly button. You walk in, have your abdomen prepped with sterile soap, and then have a shot of local anesthetic in your incision site. Pro-Nox is administered through a mouthpiece that you puff on to help with anxiety that some people feel during minor procedures.

Thereafter, you will have liquid local instilled under your skin that makes you comfortable for hours after the treatment. Vaser ultrasound is used to dissolve your fat, and then a 3 mm flexible Renuvion wand is placed under your skin to assist in tightening your tissues three dimensionally! You may shower the day after the procedure.

You will notice that your tummy is flatter the next day. It takes about 7 minutes of Renuvion energy per side to substantially improve your contour of your abs, that will last for years. You may experience some bruising. You should refrain from heavy activity for about 3 weeks, but can return to work in a day or so.

I combine this treatment with tummy tuck or other body contouring or facial rejuvenation, but that usually requires anesthesia for longer or more complex procedures. Single areas of treatment include the neck, back, flanks, abdomen, arms, thighs, and side breast excess. Should you wish to treat these areas at one time we talk over your goals in our consultation process.

You can see photos of results that you’ll love on MentorPlasticSurgery.com Don’t miss our filler special- buy one and get a 2nd syringe at 50% off into February. We welcome your inquiry!

Is getting plastic surgery a good New Year Resolution?

I get variations of this question every year, and I always answer it the same way.  Plastic surgery, like any surgery, should be well-researched and well-considered before decisions are made.  There are two key aspects that you need to consider:

  1. Decide what is right for yourself, right now.  Do not make decision to have or not have plastic surgery based on the calendar or pleasing anyone else. The New Year might be a great time for the New You. But decide what you want for your body and your personal well-being.  
  2. Consult with a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon. The internet and friends may have information, but you need to base your decision on specific details that pertain precisely to you – your body, health, desired results, etc.  And don’t ‘cut corners’ by getting advice from other than a board-certified plastic surgeon. Only they have the education, training and experience to provide insight critical to your decision.

As for cosmetic surgery’s popularity, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more cosmetic procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2019 than ever before. These are the Top 6 with over 100,000 procedures performed: Breast Augmentation (about 300,000 women annually); Liposuction (not including various non-surgical variations); Blepharoplasty (eyelid reshaping); Rhinoplasty (Nose reshaping); Rhytidectomy (facelift) and Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck).

I invite you to call and schedule a consultation. Despite the pandemic, I was close to my record-setting 2019 year in the number of procedures performed.  This experience allows me to more effectively help you and all my future patients.

My Christmas and New Year’s Message to My Patients and Friends

Mother Teresa said, “It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.”


Never have those words been more true than for this holiday season.  The pandemic has devastated our lifestyles, our traditions, and our freedoms.  It has reversed one of the strongest economies our country has ever known, leaving millions out of work, and causing entrepreneurs to question their ability to overcome.  It has shattered families in so many ways, through illness and death, through financial harm, through depression, anxiety and stress.  It has accentuated hopeless over hopefulness, and replaced optimism with fear and worry.


In his music from the Broadway show “Mame,” Jerry Herman wrote: “I’ve grown a little leaner, grown a little colder, grown a little sadder, grown a little older, and I need a little angel sitting on my shoulder, I need a little Christmas now.”  


Yes, we all truly do. But that’s where Mother Teresa’s words really matter… because now that Christmas 2020 is technically behind us, it can still be Christmas every time we let God love others through us… through our positivity, our enthusiasm, our kindness and caring, our random acts of kindness, our generosity, our willingness to forgive, our gratefulness, our unconditional love.


As challenging as this year has been, the overwhelming majority of us have made it through this, and we know the dawn is near.  Let’s keep celebrating Christmas every day in 2021 and “Let God Love Others Through Us.”  Blessings for you all. 

Should I pay more to have a plastic surgeon give me Botox or fillers?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Due to the explosive demand for injectable agents into the face, dentists, family doctors and others have ventured into cosmetic treatments.  Some companies even offer weekend training programs to entice non-plastic surgeons to sell their products.  When it comes to facial rejuvenation and body contouring, American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) certification is the gold standard.  All other boards that include the word “cosmetic” are not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties.  


Plastic Surgery training is at least 7 years after medical school because there is so much to learn including properly assessing and treating patients, and evaluating techniques.  When contemplating facial injections, you should consider possible negative effects. Also have conversations about how and where you want injections with your highly trained, experienced Plastic Surgeon.  Treatments typically last many months, but won’t last if done improperly. Or worse, you will be forced to tolerate unflattering results for the duration of action of the product. Products like BOTOX or Juviderm could be your best option, but you should understand options. Other options include harvesting your own fat and re-injecting it into other areas (Autologous Fat Transfer).  


As for the cost difference, if you consider all factors, including the expert care you receive and the peace of mind knowing you will be pleased with your results, there is no doubt that a plastic surgeon provides your best value.  We have a few appointments available before the holidays, if you call our office.  And remember that you can easily print last minute gift certificates on our website. Happy Holidays![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]