
What is the state of the art for body contouring?

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What is the state of the art for body contouring?

After we get up from our Thanksgiving celebration, there is a tendency to reflect upon our good fortune, our family, and our waistline! If you are experiencing hard to lose areas of your body, you may wish to address them with some lifestyle modifications to see if they improve with that effort. But some body areas are stubborn reflections of our genetics and life events like childbirth, that nagging knee injury that precludes the same amount of cardio, or just not enough hours in the day.

If you are inclined to seek improvement in your body shape, then you may wish to call for a consultation for body contouring. The gold standard mommy make over (or dad bod make-over) is a lipo-abdominoplasty, which combines the technology of Vaser ultrasound and helium plasma Renuvion. These technologies are selective to reduce fat in areas of the thighs, knees, abdomen, flanks, back, buttocks, and love handles. A 4 mm incision is created to instill a little IV fluid mixed with local anesthesia, so that when your treatment is over you are comfortable. The Vaser probe is passed under the skin, selectively reducing the fat in a permanent way.

The results are smoother body areas, tighter skin, and a thinner you! Because the elasticity of skin is one of our problems as we age, Renuvion energy has been shown to tighten areas that have had fat removal by liposuction technique to improve overall contour and stimulate a more youthful appearance.

The Renuvion technology is also passed under the skin at the time of Vaser use to further optimize the surgical outcome. These technologies are combined in my practice with other more advanced techniques like tummy tuck, face lift, buttock lift, arm lifts and Brazilian Buttock lifts. If you are interested in improving your body contour, and have been frustrated with your current situation, it is time to give my office a call to start your journey! My staff and I welcome your inquiry and will teach you about your options for body contouring in the coming year! We at Mentor Plastic Surgery & MedSpa are thankful for your support of our practice!

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Dr. Paul Vanek

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