How difficult is getting a tummy tuck?

Photo for Dr. Paul Vanek "health focus" blog

A tummy tuck is a very popular surgical procedure designed to correct the contour of the abdomen. While it is common for women to consider this surgery after birthing children, it can benefit both men and women when they have loose, sagging abdominal skin after significant weight change. 

Tummy tucks are relatively easy to have done and is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. While each tummy tuck is unique, it generally takes about two hours. The surgery involves an incision in the lower part of the abdomen, often below or in line with the waistline.  Skin is released from the lower part of the abdomen up to the belly button. Then an incision is made around the belly button and the skin is released to the top of the abdomen. This access allows tightening of the muscles in the middle and restoration of the flat contour of the abdomen. The skin is gently re-draped and trimmed and the belly button is delivered through the skin before the incision is closed. 

Two drains are usually placed before the skin is closed. These remain until the fluid they are draining is effectively gone. Drain removal is painless and accomplished quickly. During recovery, patients wear a series of surgical girdles over about an eight week period. Most people can drive and return to work in about two weeks if their job is not too physical. After about two months, they should be back to their regular routines. 

My patients are really happy with their tummy tucks.  Please contact my office and we can together determine if it is right for you.

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Dr. Paul Vanek

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