Connections Between Cosmetic Procedures and Mental Health

Connections Between Cosmetic Procedures and Mental Health Featured Blog Article Photo. Dr. Paul Vanek's Research blog.

Inner beauty meets outer confidence.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, women in their twenties and thirties comprised over twenty percent of those who underwent a cosmetic surgical procedure in 2020. With this increase in popularity, the general public is becoming more accepting of cosmetic surgeries. 

The close ties between the media and social media to body image and the impact on one’s mental well-being have come into question. This is especially true for younger women.

For anyone with an injury or disfigurement, cosmetic surgical procedures have provided much-needed relief and have restored many with self-confidence. 

When an individual struggles with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or other mental health concerns related to appearance, cosmetic procedures serve as a tool for improvement of overall well-being and a sense of self-acceptance. 

Is it possible that plastic surgery can benefit your mental health?

For women in their 20s, the most common reported cosmetic procedures of 2020s were: 

  • breast augmentation
  • calf augmentation
  • breast reductions

For women in their 30s, the most popular procedures of the same year included: 

  • breast lifts
  • tummy tucks
  • buttock implants

Many women in their thirties have worked very hard to regain their pre-baby bodies, but there is a limitation to their progress without cosmetic surgery for some of them. With all the body shaming in social media, negativity can ensue. Cosmetic surgery helps them see who they are, not the potential flaws they are discerning.

Breast augmentations are also popular for numerous reasons, including mental well-being. Women in need of breast reduction have reported unwanted attention as well as the inability to buy clothing. Having the ability to make changes through plastic surgery provides mental wellness to many.

Struggling for years with one’s appearance through nonsurgical ways without achieving wanted results is incredibly frustrating. Plastic surgery has been transformative for countless of these individuals.

Some have criticized cosmetic surgery as being superficial. However, societal beauty standards have only fueled the fire to meet these standards. 

Numerous studies are indicative of the fact that some cosmetic procedures have positive effects on one’s mental well-being. Studies also indicate that those who have had cosmetic surgery report reduced anxiety and depression with overall quality of life improvement.

The research literature indicates that confidence levels improve after a cosmetic procedure, which is one of the most common positive after-effects, along with improvement in self-esteem. 

Setting Realistic Expectations

 It is essential to make informed decisions based on education of what is possible so that you do not have unrealistic expectations. Dr. Vanek will help you adjust your expectations, manage expectations, and provide professional support as needed.

Dr. Vanek also emphasizes that one cannot achieve perfection through cosmetic surgery and you will know what to expect prior to surgery. Dr. Vanek’s consultations emphasize addressing your concerns and boosting your confidence. 

The best advice is to go forward with cosmetic surgery only when you’re entirely sure about it and feel comfortable with your surgeon. Dr. Vanek will help you decide whether to undergo cosmetic surgery and that it is a 100 percent right thing for you.

Your long term overall health and wellness are prioritized to maintain a healthy relationship with cosmetic surgical procedures. Having a healthy mindset and lifestyle should begin well before any procedure.

Dr. Vanek stresses the importance of listening carefully to patients and encouraging questions during consultations. Dr. Vanek is a board-certified plastic surgeon. You can check out the numerous before and after photos on his website. The staff at Mentor Plastic Surgery and MedSpa are excellent. 

If your appearance causes distress, cosmetic surgery can improve self-esteem and boost confidence. However, these procedures must be approached with realistic expectations, a healthy mindset, and thorough education and research. 

Bottom Line

Is it possible that plastic surgery can benefit your mental health?

Most patients who have had cosmetic plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation feel more confident and are happier with their lives while exhibiting fewer signs of negative mental health after their cosmetic procedure. 

Dr. Vanek will listen to you and “hold your hand” through your entire process, and he has taught his entire staff to do the same. He understands and respects your privacy and sensitivity. His professional but familial approach will quickly help you become very comfortable with him and with how he will help change your life.Whether your life’s activities have been disrupted by aging, disease, accident or injury, we invite you to consult with us to determine how we may be able to help get you back in your game.

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Dr. Paul Vanek

Trusted plastic surgeon, sculptor, biochemist and researcher

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