
Breast Plastic Surgery Choices for Women

Woman's hands covering her breasts that have surgical markings

“We respect you.We appreciate your beauty.We value who you are. We’re committed to help women feel more beautiful, and we often help women discover that the most beautiful part about themselves… is on the inside.”
— Dr. Paul Vanek

Today, there are more breast plastic surgery options than ever to correct or enhance the aesthetic appearance of women’s breasts. For your convenience, we put together a quick checklist of descriptions, so you can find which is your best option. Each has a link to more detailed information.

Breast Reconstruction surgery

Breast Reconstruction surgery is the most gratifying procedure that I perform because it renews the self-confidence and self-image of women who have faced breast cancer. It is the very reason I became a plastic surgeon. After your private examination and consultation, we will discuss your options and agree on which procedure can give you the best results.

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is one of my specialties, and I have become highly proficient at performing them daily for patients from across Ohio and other states. I undertake this procedure with a precision that translates into less recovery time and more satisfaction for my patients. As a biochemist and researcher, I participated in FDA studies on implant safety.

Breast Lift

Breast Lift. More and more women who have had children, whose breast volume decreased through pregnancy or weight loss, or who experience considerable sagging desire a more youthful breast appearance using their own tissue.

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction usually involve patients with a body shape they don’t want. These patients often return after surgery and tell me, “I am so much more comfortable in my own skin. I can exercise. I can wear clothes I want. I can be physical in a way I never thought I could.” Those are the times my profession feels most rewarding.

Breast Revision

Breast Revision is challenging because the first issue is the emotional disappointment that has grown within the patient when they were promised an outcome that wasn’t achieved. I specialize in breast surgery correction for women unhappy with the results of prior breast augmentations, lifts and reductions by other plastic surgeons.

Breast Asymmetry

Breast Asymmetry means that one of your breasts doesn’t look like the other. If you have uneven breasts, one different in size or projection than the other, you might be relieved to know that about 90% of women have this problem. Major asymmetric breasts occur in one out of every 20 women. I can relieve this condition for you.

Dr. Paul Vanek, MD FACS is double-board certified and renowned for his surgical artistry. He is Chief of Surgical Staff for Lake Health. Since 1996, he has transformed hundreds of lives with breast reconstruction, lifts, reductions, revisions and asymmetry. This vast experience has given him an aesthetic sense for the beauty that women want to achieve – to renew their self-confidence and revitalize their spirit and zest for life! Call 440-205-5750 or contact us to schedule your no-obligation, confidential consultation.

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Dr. Paul Vanek

Trusted plastic surgeon, sculptor, biochemist and researcher

Headshot of Dr. Paul Vanek smiling for the camera

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