
Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons

Photo for Plastic Surgeons vs Cosmetic Surgeons blog article

A. No, there is a major difference between plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) says most consumers don’t understand this difference, and medical marketing by many offices may be confusing the public.

In a recent study of consumers on their perceptions of surgery, 87% believe surgeons must have special training and credentials to perform these procedures. But over half of those surveyed weren’t sure what training is required to become “Board-certified” as a plastic or cosmetic surgeon.

The difference between Board certifications of plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons

To become Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, surgeons must undergo at least six years of residency training. However, American Board of Cosmetic Surgery certification requires only one year. The American Board of Medical Specialties, the governing body of all board certifications in the US, does not recognize the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.

More and more doctors are advertising and performing minimally invasive cosmetic surgery to meet increasing demand. The ASPS recommend consumers should do plenty of advance research, asking about education, training and experience. Trusting your appearance to an untrained clinician could increase your chances of having poor results, leading to additional costs, time, and emotional heartache.

I also recommend that your doctor is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), which validates that your doctor completed necessary training and meets the highest standards to practice plastic surgery. I completed a 7 year residency and have been an ASPS member since 1998.

You may know that I am one of a few doctors in our area who is double board certified, by both The American College of Surgeons and The American College of Plastic Surgeons.

Dr. Paul Vanek MD, FACS
Vanek Plastic Surgery
9485 Mentor Ave #100
Mentor, OH 44060

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Dr. Paul Vanek

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