VISIA Complexion Analysis

Visia Skin Analysis machine
Visia Skin Analysis

What is it?

“A VISIA Complexion Analysis is an eye-opening, objective analysis of skin health,” says Dr. Paul Vanek of Cleveland. “It blows patients’ minds that the different components that affect the appearance of their skin can be objectively measured with spectral analysis.”

The VISIA is a skin health evaluation tool that helps Dr. Vanek develop a custom skin care and rejuvenation plan that is individualized to your needs.

“We incorporate the VISIA analysis right at the beginning so we can set objective metrics to measure the success of the treatment programs we propose,” says Dr. Vanek. “It only takes about 20 seconds to complete a scan. Patients are often surprised by the results because it makes them see their skin in an entirely new way. But, they love that we can propose and proceed with a treatment path, re-scan, and judge the success of the treatment in a purely objective manner.”

Watch Dr. Paul Vanek’s video about complexion analysis on his weekly TV show “It’s About You!”

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Complimentary Analysis from Dr. Vanek

Because of the VISIA’s ability to set objective standards, Dr. Vanek offers complimentary VISIA scans to all of his patients. “You will always be offered a VISIA analysis. There’s no charge. Even our patients who come in for non-skin care related treatments have the opportunity to have the condition of their skin objectively evaluated. It gives me a way to demonstrate to you the results of our decisions together.”

What are the Benefits of VISIA?

The VISIA uses multi-spectral imaging to highlight six key areas of concern: wrinkles, spots, pores, color variation/vascularization, bacteria population and sun damage. The results of the imaging are visualized, detailed and compared against a database of over one million scans allowing you and Dr. Vanek to quickly see how your skin health currently compares to the population. The ability to see and identify problematic areas in your skin’s complexion allows Dr. Vanek to suggest treatment options for prevention and rejuvenation.

“We recently had a 46-year-old woman come in to have shallow and deep acne scars on her chin evaluated. She’s of Eastern European descent, grew up in Arizona and recently moved to Mentor, Ohio. She wasn’t surprised that results of the VISIA showed she had oily skin, but she was taken aback that she’s in the lowest 25% for skin cleanliness as defined by a bacterial count of her pores,” says Dr. Vanek. “Based on the results, we did deep-cleanse exfoliations and a glycolic peel to treat the porphyrins (bacteria in the pores) and the Mentor Peel™ to improve the appearance of her acne scars. After three months, we re-scanned her with the VISIA, and it objectively proves what she sees in the mirror: her fine-line wrinkles and scars are diminished, her pores are smaller, and her bacterial count is down. She’s experiencing fewer and fewer episodes of acne breakout, her skin looks clearer, and she couldn’t be happier.”

Dr. Vanek’s Own Experiences

“I was in the lowest percentages for brown spots and UV spots. You couldn’t tell just looking at my face, but the VISIA lays bare my Irish ancestry and susceptibility to sun damage,” says Dr. Vanek. “Because I’ve had the VISIA scan, I was able to begin rejuvenating those areas of concern with laser treatment and Vanek Cosmeceuticals™ my skin never looked better.”

“Give us a call if you are interested in making your skin look great!” says Dr. Vanek. “I look forward to helping you celebrate your beauty.”