
Lip Augmentation Gallery

Actual patients of Dr. Vanek

Lip Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Age: 63 

Sex: Female

1 month post-op

Lip Augmentation, Facelift, Necklift, Endo Brow, Autologous Fat Transfer Face, Lower Blepharoplasty/Canthopexy

Age: 61

Sex: Female

1 year post-op

Lip Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Age: 54

Sex: Female

2-months post-op

Lip Augmentation, Facelit, Neck Lift, Lower Blepharoplasty, Canthopexy, Autologous Fat Transfer Face

Age: 66

Sex: Female

8-months post-op

Lip Augmentation, Filler

Age: 35

Sex: Female

Same Day

Lip Augmentation, Mentor Peel

Age: 64

Sex: Female

1 month post-procedure