Yes, Dr. Vanek has amazing credentials, expertise and experience. But what makes him truly special to his patients is how he genuinely cares about each and every patient. We hear this more than any other comment from our patients.
Dr. Vanek will listen to you and “hold your hand” through your entire process, and he has taught his entire staff to do the same. He understands and respects your privacy and sensitivity. His professional but familial approach will quickly help you become very comfortable with him and with how he will help change your life.
Yes, Dr. Vanek has amazing credentials, expertise and experience. But what makes him truly special to his patients is how he genuinely cares about each and every patient. We hear this more than any other comment from our patients.
Dr. Vanek will listen to you and “hold your hand” through your entire process, and he has taught his entire staff to do the same. He understands and respects your privacy and sensitivity. His professional but familial approach will quickly help you become very comfortable with him and with how he will help change your life.
Your personal consultation is extremely important in so many ways. We have found that our patients initially feel more comfortable discussing your thoughts with our Cosmetic Coordinator. There is no intimidation, no pressure, no stress. You’ll find talking with her to be like talking to your friend, your sister, or your mom. Then she serves as your personal liaison with Dr. Vanek, so you’re never alone, from the moment you walk through our door.
After hearing your desires and concerns, Dr. Vanek then formulates the possible methods of achieving your goals so you can make an informed decision. He knows and understands the human body from the inside out and will establish clear, realistic expectations for what is achievable with your anatomy. His goal is your total satisfaction; he aspires to sculpt your body so you receive the outcome you desire.
A Fellow of the American Board of Surgery & American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Vanek is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon in all areas of plastic surgery, but with specialized skill and experience in breast augmentation, advanced liposuction techniques, facial rejuvenation, laser skin rejuvenation, and skin care.
Dr. Vanek earned his Medical Degree with “Distinction in Research” from the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He served as the Chief Surgery Resident at University of Rochester before settling in Northeast Ohio.
A recipient of many awards and honors from his peers, Dr. Vanek is especially proud that his patients also recognize his excellence and caring attitude. He was voted by the readers of the News Herald five times as the “Best of the Best” in Plastic Surgery. And you can see for yourself on this website, Real Self and other review sites how his patients feel about him.
Dr. Vanek is a philanthropist and humanitarian, and has been honored by the American Red Cross for his relief work in Haiti. He is highly involved in the community, serving as past campaign chairman for United Way, and on various boards and committees.
Personally, he is a gardener (particularly fond of orchids), an excellent marksman, an avid cyclist and mountain climber (including Mt. Kilimanjaro), and a proud Eagle Scout.
Dr. Vanek would be honored to meet you, so he may be able to utilize his education, experience, and artistry to change your life, too.
“Yes, I have worked to become double board certified as both a general surgeon and a plastic/reconstructive surgeon. Achieving even single board certification is a lengthy and rigorous process. It involves many years of education and training. I completed my degree in Biochemistry at Haverford College where I was a Magill-Rhoades Scholar. I then completed my MD with Distinction in Research at University of Rochester.
My Board Certification from The American College of Surgeons came after completing a 5 year residency in General Surgery and demonstrating expertise to Board Examiners. Requirements included passing written and oral exams. I maintain certification with ongoing education and assessments, keeping up with the latest advancements and demonstrating best practices relating to ethics, patient safety and communications.
My second Board Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery was after an additional residency in Plastic Surgery at University of Michigan. The American College of Plastic Surgery requires an 8 hour written test, submission of all surgical cases for one year as a precondition to their certification, and a 2-day oral board examination. I have maintained dual certification by successfully completing re-certification in both General and Plastic Surgery specialties.
Selecting a qualified plastic surgeon is critical. Board Certification, or as in my case, double-board certification immediately identifies that your plastic surgeon has the education, training, and experience to perform your surgery well. Becoming Board Certified is voluntary for plastic surgeons. I did it so my patients know that I care about them and that I am dedicated to acquire and maintain the education and experience necessary to keep them safe.”
— Dr. Paul Vanek
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Dr. Vanek will listen to you and “hold your hand” through your entire process, and he has taught his entire staff to do the same. He understands and respects your privacy and sensitivity. His professional but familial approach will quickly help you become very comfortable with him and with how he will help change your life.
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