
Eyelid Plastic Surgery For Men

Close up of a man's eye

Q: My wife says I need plastic surgery on my eyes. Is that common for a 56-year old male?

I see many middle aged men who tell me they feel great, but they look tired, especially around their eyes. Procedures such as eyebrow lifts and eyelid lifts have become much more accepted among men. In fact, eyelid surgery has been the second most popular plastic surgery among males, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

What is an eyelid lift?

In an eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, a surgeon removes hanging skin on the upper eyelid that drapes over the brow down toward the eyelashes. Often, an eyebrow lift is also performed with an eyelid lift, which can be done traditionally, or an endoscopic brow lift that requires very small incisions. Besides looking more refreshed, some patients say that it helped their vision because the brows and eyelid skin no longer droop and obstruct their vision.

Neither surgery is especially difficult or painful. Bruising is controlled by medicine and I laser my patient’s bruising to minimize it. You can shower the next day. Eye drops and ointments are used for a few weeks after surgery.

Men are also increasingly having other procedures, such as Botox to relax facial muscles, specifically those that create frowns and furrowed brows, or which give the impression that you are angry or tense. Liposuction is also popular, especially treating love handles and the lower belly.

Often times men your age need to look younger in a competitive job market. Others simply want to look and feel better about their body, and they want to look as good on the outside as they feel.

Dr. Paul Vanek MD, FACS
Vanek Plastic Surgery
9485 Mentor Ave #100
Mentor, OH 44060

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Dr. Paul Vanek

Trusted plastic surgeon, sculptor, biochemist and researcher

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