
Can Botox Help Migraines

Photo for Dr. Paul Vanek "health focus" blog

Yes! Botulinum toxin, best known by the brand name of Botox®, was approved by the FDA for treatment of chronic migraines back in 2010. According to a recent report in the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there is a growing body of international evidence that supports the effectiveness of botulinum toxin to reduce the frequency of chronic migraine headaches.

Professor Benoit Chaput, MD, PhD, of University Hospital Rangueil in Toulouse, France, and his colleagues identified and analyzed data from 17 previous trials that compared Botulinum toxin with placebo for preventive treatment of migraine headaches. These studies included over 3,600 patients suffering from migraine headaches, with over 40% of these patients considered “chronic” sufferers of at least 15 headache
attacks per month for 3 months or more, and enduring migraine symptoms eight or more days per month.

Three months after receiving an injection, these patients had an average of 1.6 fewer migraine attacks per month, compared to those treated with inactive placebo. The pooled data also showed significant improvement in the patient’s quality of life, which was directly linked to a reduction in depressive symptoms. “It can be explained by the reduced impact of headaches and migraine-related disability, thus reducing symptoms
of depression and anxiety,” Professor Chaput and coauthors wrote. “Botulinum toxin is a safe and well-tolerated treatment that should be proposed to patients with migraines”

I currently treat patients who have a history of migraine headaches, and this can be an
extra benefit if you also want the aesthetic benefits that Botox® provides.

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